Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Presentation 1

Dropbox Link to My PPT

PowerPoint (PPT) is a great Microsoft Office Tool.  I have been using PPT for many, many years.  I teach out of a series titled Connected Mathematics in a seventh and eigth grade classroom.  I have been working on PPT's for all of my initial lessons.  I believe they help me stay focused when teaching.  I also print out the "handouts" and provide copies to students that may need that extra accommodation in order to be successful.  I enjoy using PPT.  I did not realize how easy it was to record your own voice and embed it in the PPT.  I also have never been successful at embedding links into my PowerPoints; however, I was successful this time. 

1 comment:

  1. D, think of how you could use a stylus to do you problems (maybe in PPT)
    and Jing to capture, reuse, and distribute them - pretty cool.
