Monday, June 17, 2013

Jing Graphic

After installing the Jing software, I was immediately pleased with how fairly easy the tool was to use.  I have recently returned from a training through the state department provided to special education teachers.  At that training, I met a very wonderful teacher in Mercer County @Mariette!  She introduced me to this wonderful website Tumble Books.  I thought I might share this wonderful resource with my classmates as part of this Jing Graphic assignment.  I find Jing absolutely amazing.  I think of the different ways I can utilize this in my classroom.  I could have lessons prerecorded and simply play them anytime I am trying to navigate students on a computer.  This would free me up to monitor the classroom and maintain discipline in a more effective manner I would imagine as well.  Also, it can be used by the children as part of projects to make a Jing Video and present the video to the class (this could be a group project &/or individual project).  The possibilities are endless.  Standard #3 states that modeling digital age work and learning is an important concept.  If I can demonstrate fluency in technology & then transfer that over to my students- then I have provided them with that opportunity.  I do have a question-  would the tech guys for schools want this on the school computers?

Anything is possible with Jing!  Download and let the sharing begin!

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