Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Prezume- Prezi Template

The goal was to utilize Prezi and develop an online resume that was unique.  I simply used my resume from Google Docs (Google Docs Resume) and transferred the information to Prezi.  I used a resume template that was already designed.  I did change several features of the template (for example added more circle) in order to better fit my resume categories.  I struggled with inserting a picture at first, but then I finally seen the toolbar above the presentation labeled "insert" and immediately figured out how to insert a pictures.  I also seen that you can insert a YouTube video.  I really enjoyed the task at hand simply due to the uniqueness Prezi has.  Prezi could be utilized in the classroom in order to do book summaries.  Teachers could preselect the templates and model for students how Prezi works.  Then ask students to design a presentation based on a book they may have read.  I also thought it could be used for social studies to create a timeline of yourself or someone else.  Prezi is fairly easy to utilize and I think students would enjoy using it to create/develop presentations. 

I believe this assignment met some of the ISTE Nets T Standards.  I believe it met the 2nd standard: Design & Develop Digital Age Learning, as well as, the 3rd standard: Model Digital Age Work & Learning.  I have stated in previous blogs and will state again: the teacher must utilize the technology first and foremost.  Once that technology is learned, then teachers can move forward and teach students those same skills that will be necessary when they graduate into the "real world."  I absolutely believe that is why this assignment and all others relate to standard 3 because we (teachers) are exhibiting the knowledge and skills and then passing that knowledge and skills onto our students.  This allows them a chance in a global and digital society.  "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."  (Albert Einstein)

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