Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Presentation 3/Prezi Praise!

I am so excited to be sharing this post with you.  I thoroughly enjoyed this assignment.  At first I struggle with what to even do it on.  I will be teaching fifth grade next year.  I plan on doing centers during reading/language arts.  My Prezi is a Learning Center.  I am sure it meets many content standards: comparing/contrasting, listing/sorting, text-to-text, etc.  There is a book by Chris Van Dusen titled, "A Camping Spree with Mr. MaGee."  This Prezi is based around this book.  I did struggle with Prezi in the beginning, but immediately seen the advantages in using it.  It is a great presentation tool.  PowerPoint is so "old school."  Prezi is so 2013/2014.  It allows you to display your text/images in a presentation manner except its a different twist on the visual presentation of it.  The spanning and zooming is fun and leaves the viewer wondering what is next.  It is the same as PowerPoint in the sense that you are presenting information in a certain order.  There are many of the same features; however, Prezi is just WAY COOLER!  The biggest advantage of Prezi (in my opinion), is the twists and turns and the panning and zooming.  Its fun & interesting.  Not bland and boring. <3!
#1a: I, the teacher, am using my knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that take student learning to the next level through creativity and virtual environments.  By exposing my students to the Prezi learning center, I will be promoting, supporting, and modeling creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. 
#2a,b,c,&d/#3a: This Prezi presentation is 100% Digital Age Learning.  Students are navigating their way through web pages, images, videos, etc. in order to have authentic learning experiences and all while providing me with evidence of learning.  I have designed several Prezi presentations and by using them, my students are exposed to relevant/modern learning experiences.  Technology-rich learning environments have many benefits and I want my students to see me modeling the appropriate behaviors in order for them to want to follow in my footsteps and "buy into" my technology lessons. 
#5: Since taking this class, I have become part of Symbaloo, Google, Jing, Diigo, Edmodo, and many more "upbeat" websites.  I feel as though this has been the absolute best "professional development" EVER!  Its exciting and if it makes me excited, I know it will make my students excited. 

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