Monday, June 17, 2013

Jing Screencast

The Jing Video tool is amazing!  I love it.  It is so easy to use.  You simply install and GO!  Once you have installed, the program is simple.  A yellow "bubble" should be on the outter parts of your screen.  Scroll you mouse over the "bubble" and three miniture bubbles will appear.  The first one is the image capture and/or video bubble.  The second one is the users history of images and/or videos.  The third one is other settings.  Once you select the first bubble (image/video), you can then select the crossheirs.  From here you can capture the screen or record a five-minute video.  There are several features in the "image" settings, as well as, useful settings along with making your own video.  Once you are finished, you can share your work by uploading them and copying the link.  It is so easy!  The possibilities are endless.  I think in particular one could use this to introduce/model a TechSteps lesson.  Another possibility might be to show students how to log on to a program at the beginning of the year through a video instead of the traditional way. 
ISTE NETS Standards: #1,2, 3, & 5 meet the requirements of this activity.  I believe that through this assignment using Jing I can provide my students with learning opportunities.  I can utiilze this tool to have students report back how they may have found a resource online.  I can have students do a text set using online resources and a group taught whole group.  The possibilities are endless.  This class amazes me more and more each assignment.  The resources are overflowing.  Love it!

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