Sunday, June 2, 2013

Self Portrait

It was my goal to create a "Picasso Head" and add links and an artifact to my blog.  After making the Picasso Head, it was very easy to email the link to my Live account.  After receiving the link, I created a link in my blog that connects others to my "Picasso Head" self portrait (Click Here to see my SELF PORTRAIT).  My "Picasso Head" represents who I am.  I have brown hair, blue eyes, and I enjoy signing my name D. Champ.  (PICASSO HEAD website)

I'd like to have a learning computer center that is "working on your blog" focused.  In that center I'd like to have several activities such as the "self portrait" assignment in order for students to have options.  This self portrait site/activity could be a task for my students after they have initially created their blogs and have learned the skills of posting, adding artifacts (snipping), adding links, etc.  Also, I can link it to another center I have which is making shape poems.  The students could then add the link to their shape poetry in a blog and so forth.  <3 it!

I really didn't encounter any problems with this assignment other than the "snipping tool" concept.  I am using a laptop and I found out that a laptop is a little different.  When you want to do a CTRL + Prnt Scrn it is actually Function (FN) + Prnt Scrn instead on a laptop.  I have not figured out the "snipping tool" shortcuts concept yet.  

This assignment relates to the:
  • 2nd Standard: Design and Develop Digital Age Learning-  It is my duty to  design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences such as the "blog center" and the activities/tasks that revolve around it that will encourage students to use technology skills that align with today's constant technological world.  Blogging, capturing screens, adding links, etc. are all skills that are helpful in today's work skills basics.    
  • 3rd Standard:  Model Digital Age Work and Learning-  I am constantly working on the skills that are necessary to work with and teach the students of the "information-age mind set" era.  The more fluent I become with technology, the more my students will benefit.  Until recently I would have thought I was up-to-date with the 2013 technology; however, the further we advance through the course- I know understand that there is always more out there to learn.  In order to provide the knowledge to my students I must learn it first.    
  • 5th Standard: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership-  I am currently growing as a professional with every assignment that is given.  I am constantly thinking and designing new learning centers, lesson plans, and so forth.  
You can find all standards at: ISTE Nets T Standards 

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