Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Google Sites

For this assignment I was required to design and develop a Google Site.  I feel as if the hardest part was figuring out WHO to design the site for.  I decided to design a site for my parents/students.  I followed the simple "create" a site directions.  I did struggle with figuring out how to edit.  After looking at classmate's sites and Dr. Pierce's sites, I feel as though there is most definitely more for me to learn about Google Sites.  I did struggle with this particular assignment more so than I have with other assignments.  I feel as if editing the site is a task.  I can see the benefits of using the Google Sites to improve the technological aspects of ones life.  Looking though the different templates, I quickly realized that you can pretty much design a website designed towards any theme.  Through a Google Site one could collaborate or connect with others using the world wide web.  I do a lot of professional development for my county and can see how I might apply the Google Sites assignment to that aspect of my life. 

Find my RESUME...
Find my RUBRIC...
Standard #1 states that as a teacher I should be able to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity...in both face-to-face and virtual environments.  As a teacher, I am responsible for exposing my students to multiple digital tools.  Standard #2 is almost directly related to the first standard.  It states that teachers are responsible for designing and developing digital-age learning experiences and assessments.  I can think of multiple opportunities to use Google Sites
as assignments/projects that my students design which would also be an excellent way to assess my students learning experiences as well.  Standard #3 is directly related to my Google Site.  The site can be utilized by teachers and students and exhibits that I use digital-age work.  I can survive in a global and digital society and my students and parents are aware of that through their experiences with me.  Standard #5 states that teachers engage in professional growth and leadership continuously to improve professional practice.  The amount of professional growth and development is unlimited, as well as, the amount of digital tools that are "out there."

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