Sunday, July 7, 2013

Maps 1

My Word Doc: All About My Map was based on a book titled Walk Two Moons.  The theme of this map would be Salamanca's journey with her grandparents from Ohio to Idaho.  When my students go to this website, they will be able to check their own maps (they have been creating as we were reading the story during whole group).  They will then determine if they have all fifteen stops.  They will develop a map that leads me from our school (Franklin Elementary School, Franklin, WV) to their house.  Students will utilize Google Maps and see what it has to offer.  During other units, we will use this feature as well. 

Through this assignment, I am able to promote and model digital citizenship and responsibly engage in growth and leadership.  Educators are able to now, through a free and easy-to-use tool (Google Maps), are able to take our lessons to a higher-level by utilyzing technology in order to engage our students to the fullest extent.  For example in Walk Two Moons, Sal's journey is what the book is about.  If students are able to take that virtual fieldtrip they are more likely to thrive. 

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