Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Maps 2: Google Earth

Google Earth is a great tool for exploring the world and going on virtual adventure's from anywhere, for example, from a classroom.  In the past, I have used Google Earth to look for my residence and other locations.  Only now, through this course, do I see that Google Earth is much more than what I had remembered it to be.  It is a bit scary to think of how powerful Google Earth truly is.  Just this past Friday night on the popular TV show 20/20, co-hosts were doing a story line on a troubled individual who crossed the lines with Paris Hilton by trespassing onto her property and knocking on her door.  The young adult was being interviewed and admitted that he simply used Google Earth to study the streets and then him and his friends did it.  Also, the popular TV show Duck Dynasty has discussions involving Google Earth and how often it is updated.  Hence, they actually placed about 50 duck decoys in a pile on the warehouse roof in order to see when Google Earth actually updated the image of their warehouse.  Google Earth is a very popular tool. 

KML- The transfer from Google Maps to Google Earth was very easy.  It was as simple as a few mouse clicks.

Google Earth- After downloading Google Earth, I had to explore the new features.  I then simply went to "file" and then to "open" and opened the KML that I had saved to my computer.  After importing the file into Google Earth I was able to go on a silent tour, zoom in and around locations, design a virtual field trip, and much more.  I can definitely see the advantages of this new innovative tool: Google Earth!

Google Earth for Educators:  Although I'm not sure that I am navigating in the correct places, I did find some great resources from the Google for Educators site:

  • Doodle 4 Google: This would be a great innovative way to involve your students in something great!  Students design Google Logo.  
  • Google Science Fair: A great way to take a Science Fair Project to a higher level (gifted/advanced students).  

"With technology we can remove the limitations of the traditional classroom and transform the way we teach and learn." Eric Curts - Educator and Technology Coordinator, Ohio

This lesson allowed educators to meet the ISTE NETS T Standard #'s: 
#1: I feel as though I am inspiring student learning if I use this lesson (Walk Two Moons Virtual Field Trip) along with the text in order to help struggling students relate to Sal as she describes her stops along her journey to find her mother.  Also, creating a map called on my creative skills which led to my modeling creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness.  We are taking ideas and providing students with images to tie them to.  
#2:  I most definitely designed/developed digital-age learning experience, as well as, in section B: If I take this project and turn it over to my students and allow them to plan a trip out as we did and then teach them them to upload it into Google Earth, can you image the curiosity that would evolve?  <3!  Also, this would allow me to step away as the instructor and simply facilitate the learning environment while the students do the teaching and learning by themselves.  
#3,4,&5: Through modeling digital-age work and learning in a variety of different ways, I can demonstrate fluency in technology through this assignment and many others, I can collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using these digital tools in order to inspire student creativity and inspiration.  Using digital tools and resources to communicate with peers is something that I have thoroughly enjoyed doing this summer through this course.  the knowledge is vast and practical   I continue to learn through this evolving digital culture.  The fifth standard recommends teaches to exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion and participate in local and global learning communities.  

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