Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Google Forms

The Google form is actually a quiz (link), the responses are delivered through a spreadsheet that I designed.  The data is easy to analyze and the pie and bar graphs make it user friendly.  The program was easy to manipulate and the assignment was fairly easy.  As a teacher, I can utilize this tool in multiple ways.  The easy to analyze data (responses) can be used as evidence of learning.  I could simply print out a slip of paper with the website on it and have parents communicate with me through the links.  Parents that didn't have internet, could do paper/pencil copies and I could enter them.  I have actually used Google Docs with classmates several times.  I am currently working on a test with a lady in another county designing a test for a novel we are going to teach.  I even considered the uses that I could get out of it with my family.  I can post the link on my Facebook and communicate with family members about birthday parties, weddings, events, etc.  Its great for organzing and analyzing.  The possibilities are endless.  I love it and the best part is its accessible from anywhere, its free, and when you update it...the link automatically updates as well.  It's an amazing tool. 
NETS T Standard: #2 states that teachers will design relevant learing experiences and assessments that incorporate digital tools and resources (Google Forms) to maximize learning.  Standard #2 also states that teachers will provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments that align with the technology standards.  #3 states that one will collaborate with students, peers, and parents using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.  Also that one will communicate relevant information and ideas using a variety of digital age media and formats.  Surveys home to parents, online assessments, working documents amongst student groups all seem like AWESOME ways to use this variety of digital age media.  #5 states that one will engage in professional growth and leadership.  I am continuously improving my practice and I take pride in the fact that I am a lifelong learner.  I model good student behaviors to my 5 graders when discussing my college demands.  My students are well aware that I am in college and they are well aware that Ms. Champ is not done learning.  One should also model leadership in the school, as well as, in the community.  I have taken on many roles other than teacher since beginning this journey.  I do most of it to help my community and the families.  I also use technology while doing this. 
This Google Forms assignment has been yet again another unique learning experience.  This course has been well worth the time! 

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