Sunday, June 16, 2013


My Diigo Account was easy to register for.  I have been using it to "bookmark" websites classmates have metioned in blogs and discussion postings.  I recently attended a conference and learned about many resources and shared those on my Diigo Account as well.  It is titled Diigo books and if you teach in the content area of reading, grades is a great resource.  Also, I tagged the "Information-Age Mindset" article because I found it interesting and would like to refer to it later.  I can already see the benefits from using Diigo.  I did struggle with the Diigo add-on; however, I do have it installed now and I can tag pages easily; however, I cannot download the tools for bookmarking and highlighting.  Any suggestions would be appreciated. 

Social bookmarking is a way to virtually "tag" websites in order to utilize them to one's fullest potential.  It is also a social networking (almost like an online PLC (professional learning community)).  The advantage to this resource is the fact that so many people can share their favorite or most valuable resources with other teachers.  Compared to "old school" ways of bookmarking websites- this new innovation is quite addicting.  I have opened a Parent Group and am working on keeping it up to date in order to inform parents of websites that they can utilize to their benefit and the benifit of their child's education. 

An add-on is supposed to enhance something.  I am assuming that an add-on is the little things you download onto you computer or onto your toolbar that allow you to use special features while using your computer and the internet.  The only add-on that I have utilized is the Diigo add-on that allows me to add bookmarks easily.  Add-on's sort of confuse me because for some reason I want to think that "Google Chrome" might be an add-on.  I use Google Chrome and Google to do online searching, documents, schoolwork, etc.  I am new to all this technology.
Using social bookmarking in the classroom is so 2013.  I have heard teachers discuss using Edmodo and I do think that would be a great resource.  I also am interested in having my students use blogs.  No matter what the students do, the more technology it involves the better.  Using social bookmarking through Diigo with students is an excellent idea.  Throughout the day, I can expose the student to bits and pieces of text.  They can then be tagged online for students to access later on at their own convenience.  I have already opened up a "parent group" and plan on sharing my resources with parents through Diigo. 

ISTE NETS T Standard #3: Model Digital Age Work and Learning- the fact that I can exhibit knowledge, skills,and work in a professional & digital society.  The Diigo (social bookmarking site) is a way for me to share websites not only with myself but I can also access classmates websites and use their resources as well.  I am also getting more and more comfortable with this type of technology system and could possibly allow my students to design such a webpage that shares kids educational games.  My students would be assigned to find one educational game a piece and then all the games could be uploaded to their own Diigo pages.  They can then be required to upload one educational game per week.  Each student can share their own Diigo accounts on their blogs all as assignments (defintely ties in with writing).  The collaboration between students, peers, and parents is endless with Diigo.  This effective social bookmarking is new and interesting to me.  I can think of several ways to utilize the tool. 

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