Friday, May 31, 2013


       Google+ LINK!
Google+ is a little confusing.  I find that there is just so much on Google.  I do like it and am learning the processes.  One feature that I do like is when you blog you can also put it directly on Google+, as well as, you can Tweet it very easily as well.  Techology is amazing when it is understood and utilized.  I think so far the most amazing thing to me is actually using these types of technologies and realizing the importance in teaching my students these 21st century skill.  One quote really stuck out to when I was doing the "millennial assignment" that Jason Frand wrote in his article.  It states, "Over the next few years these students will become the majority, spreading like a tidal wave across higher education and demanding changes in the way we operate...the challenge will be for educators and higher education institutions to incorporate the information-age mindset of today's learners into our programs so as to create communities of lifelong learners."

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